Monday, March 9, 2015

Natural Joint Pain Medication

Joint pain is a disease that usually appears at the age of 45 years and older, especially in women. Joint pain caused by inflammation of the joint cartilage. There are different kinds of arthritis, however, the most common is osteoarthritis. Osteoarthritis is a chronic disease that attacks the joint cartilage and surrounding tissues with symptoms of pain, stiffness, and loss of function of the joints.

 Natural Joint Pain Medication

Causes of Joint Pain

Each person must have experienced joint pain. The general public and even some doctors (mistakenly) assumed direct because it is caused by arthritis or acid urat.Sebagian longer think due to osteoporosis. But in fact the main cause of joint pain (especially experienced by those older than 45 years) is osteoarthritis. The cause of osteoarthritis is mixed. Some studies suggest a link between osteoarthritis with allergic reactions, infections, and invasion of fungi (mycoses). Other research also indicates an inherited (genetic) involved in the reduction of this disease. However, some risk factors for osteoarthritis are as follows:

Women aged over 45 years
- Overweight
- Excessive physical activity, such as athletes and laborers
- Suffering from thigh muscle weakness
- Never had a broken bone around the joints that do not get the right treatment

Symptoms of joint pain
- Tingling and pains
- Pain, especially at night or early morning waking
- Joints affected uric acid visible swelling, redness, heat and incredible pain at night and early morning.

Natural Joint Pain Medication List :

Here are some lists of natural medicine which is used to cure joint pain.

1. Cod liver oil, omega-3 acids contained in cod liver oil has benefits to reduce the pain and inflammation of arthritis.

2. Bath of warm water and salt, it will help to increase blood flow and help relieve joint pain.

3. Bananas good for joint pain because it helps in lubricating the joints and is rich in potassium and vitamin    B6, which can reduce pain

4. Garlic, garlics active ingredients are sulfur compounds that not only inhibit joint inflammation but also stimulates the synthesis of a protein called collagen.

5. Honey is known strongly to fight inflammation in the body, can handle the pain and inflammation associated with arthritis

6. Cinnamon is known for its ability to inhibit inflammation in the body to eliminate free radicals and toxins that accumulate in and around the joints and relieve pain, swelling and stiffness in the joints.

7. Make a habit of eating nutritious foods that contain omega-3 and vitamins and enough drinking water

If excess weight is better for losing weight that joints do not accept loads that are too heavy.
Check and konsulatasi medicine to gain certainty about the disease you are suffering. maintain healthy with a healthy lifestyle can be a good option to avoid the disease.

Source : From Various sources

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